Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Star Review (1st part)

~Good Day~Today, i would like to share my thought regarding the article taken from The star entitled "Obama, Climate change & Change China" written by Global Trends, Martin Khor. Since Obama won the American 44th elected presidential, the world place its hope on him & force him to take stronger actions to change his country's policy due to climate change. American has been labelled as CLIMATE SCEPTIC because its opted out(individual who can avoid receiving service information) of the Kyoto protocol (Protocol by UNFCCC on stabilizing of greenhouses gases) & of course, the former President, George W. Bush even denied the climate change problem.

Points from the whole article :

* China's Prime minister, Wen Jiao Bao who opened the international conference in purpose to examine the technology development & tranfers inthe climate change process.

* No progress had been made on the transfer of climate-friendly technologies ( developed countries targetted to support transfer funds & climate-friendly tecnologies)

* Ministers & officials of 70 Countries attended the workshop, organised by chinese government & UN department of economic & social affairs.

* Climate change should not be addressed at the cost of development, nor should economic growth be blindly pursued with disregard to climate change threats.

* Target to reduce energy intensity per unit of GDP by 20% in five years, and development of clean and renewable energy.

* Barriers to technology transfer; climate-friendly technologies are too costly for developing countries; differing views on whether the global intellectual property rights (IPRs) regime

Information technology may play the role in developing countries

Conclusion : Climate Change should influence the developed countries to share their technologies in order to bring advantages for both local & international toward establishing the humanity development among society.

1 comment:

aMMerZ said...

~why no one leave comments here~
am i the one who big fan of technology stuff??!!